Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Auf Wiederschauen, München.

Such mixed feelings.  Very sad to be leaving this gorgeous, wonderful, place, but looking forward to being home too.
A sample of the memorabilia from our various travels,
including tours around Munich and Bavaria...
We've done a lot this year!
One last Blick down Ludwigstrasse...
Our bags are packed, ready to go.  This is it for one year of stuff for the four of us -- amazing how simply you can live.

 Now at the airport....
Ten of Julia's friends came to the airport to say goodbye.
Auf Wiedersehen!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I came across your blog while searching for something about Munich. I know you finished this blog a year ago but I just wanted to say that it's a delight to read about your family's experience in Munich! I'm half German, but have lived in England my whole life. Have been to Munich countless times, and my sister lives there now. I love it there, and so it's lovely to read about it in your blog. :) That's all!
