Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I have homework!!

...because I'm now in the first week of my intensive 4-week German language class at the Goethe Institute.  

I think it will be good, but they aren't kidding about the "intense".  And I'm much more used to giving homework in these last many years than getting it.  Ugh.  However, I do always tell my own students that you "learn by doing" so I have no leg to stand on, as it were, in terms of complaining...

So I took a placement test on Monday (It was hard!... but I guess that's the point, to see where you start to struggle) and then we started yesterday.  Unfortunately, my intermediate class (level "B22") meets in the afternoon 1:15 to 5:30 p.m.  I was really hoping my class would be in the morning, due to the kids' school schedules, but there was no choice after my placement (unless I faked being a beginner again...) Anyway, luckily the kids are old enough that being home for a couple hours on their own isn't too bad, but even for my own schedule, mid-afternoons are not optimal for my brain performance!

I need to keep this short, to get at the homework.  More reports to come.

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